wip, plz dont judge me

Athena Diamandis

Manon Solaris

name: athena diamandis
gender: female (she/her)
orientation: bi
race: au ra (xaela - kha tribe)
age: 23
birthplace: the azim steppe
jobs: DNC, DRG, WHM
grand company: maelstrom

name: Manon Solaris
gender: Female (she/her)
orientation: pan/demi
race: Miqo'te (Sun Seeker)
age: 19
birthplace: Southern Thanalan
jobs: RDM, Weaver
grand company: Immortal Flames
Lore Sheet
Manon Solaris
Mother- Mielle Solaris
A Sun Seeker born in Ishgard, who grew up in a not so nice part of town. She met Xino’to when she moved to Ul’dah, and they were quickly married.
Father- Xino’to
Moon Keeper, asshole, manipulative, asshole.
Brother - Perseus Astra - Kitah’to
Moon Keeper, half brother of Manon, older than her by 10 years. His birth mother was accidentally killed by his father, and remarried and had a second child with his new wife. Hated his father and despised his stepmother and sister.
After Perseus left, Mielle finally took Manon away from her father, who had turned his rage and abuse towards her young daughter.
They went to Ul’dah, being taken in by Mielle’s old friend and former employer, Redolent Rose, where she took up work again to provide for her and her daughter. Unfortunately, most days Mielle was inundated with work, and Manon found herself wandering around Ul’dah during the days her mother worked.
She would try to make friends with the other kids of the city, but they thought she was weird because of how shy she was, so she spent time around the Sapphire Exchange.
Eventually, she would come across X’rhun Tia, the Red Mage Master, who took an interest in the young miqo’te who showed potential after sticking up for a kid being bullied by the others.
X’rhun and Mielle met as he brought her home after the incident, and showed some romantic interest in each other.
After a few years, when the Garleans began the war and the Eorzean Alliance was formed, both Mielle and X’rhun were recruited to help in the effort to save Eorzea, Mielle helping with supplying the soldiers with the Weaver’s guild.
Unfortunately, Mielle never came back, being one of the many victims to the Calamity of Bahamut.
X’rhun felt responsible for his student and now orphan, but due to his responsibilities, he was unable to take her in.
Redolent Rose took in the 14 year old Manon, having the girl help in the Weaver’s guild for work and taking her in as his ward.
Over the next few years, Manon would work hard for the weaver’s guild, often as a courier, and train with X’rhun whenever he was able to return to Ul’dah.
It was eventually, when Manon was about 16, she ran a courier job taking costumes to Gold Saucer, and saw Perseus again for the first time in 8 years. He was working there himself, and she recognised him instantly, but Perseus refused to acknowledge her.
Over 2 and a half years, Manon would try to write letters to him, and get jobs where she had to deliver to the Gold Saucer in hopes to speak to him.
One day, when X’rhun was back in town, Manon received a message that her father had died. She immediately went to the Coroner catacombs of Ul’dah, confronted with identifying the corpse of her birth father.
Manon waited for hours for Perseus to come, as he had been sent a message as well. When he didn’t come, Manon had to deal with the Funeral Arrangements alone. She did not grieve for the brute that was her birth father, but her mixed emotions of pain caused her to cry into X’rhun’s arms after the brief funeral, having been the sole person to watch him be buried.
For some time, she struggled, but kept her head buried in training and her Weaver work.
During an outing with X;rhun, Manon fainted, and she saw visions of X’rhun’s past. When she came to, she explained it to him, but he didn't give her any answers, though seemed to know something.
That was when Thancred, a local man of Ul’dah, approached her, and spoke to her about being important and that she needed to seek the scions and sent her to Momodi.
When Manon arrived at the Waking Sands, she was lead to the Solar by Tataru, and was shocked when a familiar face was waiting.
Manon and Perseus were reunited through their connection to hydaelyn and their power of the Echo.

Perseus Astra

Vela Ephemeris